Get Connected

Do you feel connected to your friends, your neighbors, or your community?
Developing connections within your community is one way to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Do you feel lonely or isolated?
People who don’t feel a sense of connection are at a higher risk of physical and mental health issues. Community Care takes your health seriously. We want to make sure you feel connected in a way that brings you joy and meets your needs. If you don’t feel connected, your care team can help.
What are some examples of community connections?
- Volunteer
- Meet with friends
- Participate in a faith community
- Join a club
- Get involved in local government
- Attend a Community Care member advisory committee meeting
- Sign up for an activity at your local community center
What are you passionate about?
Finding out what really interests you is the path to becoming more connected in your community.
What if you want to be more connected and know what you would like to do?
Great! Your care team will help problem-solve whatever barriers may be stopping you from doing what you would like to do.
What if you are not sure?
That is okay too! Your care team has resources to help you better understand where you are at and next steps.
What if you are happy with your current connections?
That’s great! Your care team will check in with you from time to time to see how things are going.
If you are interested in getting more connected or have any questions, contact your care team.