Services & Benefits

Partnership members get access to medical care, prescription drugs and long-term care supports and services without the worry of insurance bills, co-pays, deductibles or insurance gaps. Together with your care team, you develop a cost-effective care plan that includes approved paid services through our extensive provider network, as well as natural supports (like family members, friends and neighbors).

Services you may receive include:

Adult Day Services

  • When an older person is not homebound but still requires some guidance and supervision, adult day services can be an ideal solution. Members may be approved to attend a Community Care Adult Day Center daily or a few times a week. A variety of services ranging from clinic visits and care to programs designed to encourage socializing and interaction with others are available.

Behavioral Health

  • Behavioral Health Care
    A team including a psychiatrist, social worker and psychiatric nurse are available to provide behavioral health and substance abuse services when members need this type of care.
  • Social Services
    Partnership provides support to members and families to help them solve problems and adjust to the aging process. We connect members with a variety of resources through Community Care and in the community.

Medical Care

  • Primary Care – You will select a primary care physician from our contracted provider network. This physician will work closely with you and your care team to help manage your health and long-term care needs.
  • Home Health Care – Community Care’s home health care services include a variety of medical and non-medical services to help members remain independent in their homes. These services can range from highly skilled care provided by nurses to aides who provide non-medical assistance, such as help with personal care like bathing and dressing.
  • Dental – Community Care will assess your dental needs and coordinate necessary services.
  • Physician Specialists – Your care team will assess your medical needs and coordinate necessary services with medical specialists.


  • Partnership provides prescription drugs and certain over-the-counter medications to members with Medicare. Partnership members who do not have Medicare receive prescription drugs and certain over-the-counter medications from Wisconsin Medicaid and should contact Wisconsin Medicaid Member Services at 1-800-362-3002 for more information. Partnership members are able to receive their medications through the Community Care Pharmacy or from contracted network pharmacies. Care teams are available to assist members in obtaining their medications.
  • Over the Counter (OTC) Program for Partnership Members on Medicare: You receive $45 a month. Over-the-counter medicine is also known as OTC or nonprescription medicine. This is medicine you can buy without a prescription. Your Community Care OTC benefit gives you a monthly credit of $45 to purchase over-the counter products from a list of approved items. This is an additional Medicare benefit provided by Community Care. You can use your credits to shop for vitamins, toothpaste, pain relief and more. The OTC benefit is included with your Community Care health plan at no cost to you. You will not have to pay for taxes or shipping. Authorization is not required.

    Residential Services

    • Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC)
    • Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF)
    • Adult Family Home (AFH)
    • Nursing Facility including nursing homes and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (ICF/IDD) and Institutes for Mental Disease (IMD).  Inpatient services are not covered for IMD residents between the ages of 21 and 64, with limited exception.

    Respite and Palliative Care

    • End of Life and Palliative Care
      Community Care’s end-of-life and palliative care services help terminally ill people remain as comfortable as possible in a familiar home setting while providing relief from pain and discomfort.
    • Respite for Caregivers
      Many members are able to remain independent because of the tremendous help and support they receive from a family member or friend. Because caregiving can be a physically and emotionally demanding responsibility, Partnership offers respite services to provide caregivers with a temporary break, giving them time to relax and maintain their own health.

    Support Services

    • Counseling
    • Education and training
    • Employment and Community Services
    • Homemaker Services
    • Medical Supplies and Equipment
    • Personal Care
    • Personal Emergency Response System Services
    • Supportive Home Care
    • Home Meal Delivery
    • Self-Directed Supports - You may also choose to hire your own help through our self-directed supports program.


    • Partnership offers a variety of therapy options including physical and occupational rehabilitation and speech therapy for members needing these services.


    • Partnership provides members with transportation to medical appointments and adult day center visits.
    • Transportation for other purposes may also be provided.
    • Drivers are well trained, understand member needs and safely transport members to their destinations.








      Material ID: PENDING | CMS Approved: PENDING