My Care Team

Partnership Care Team
When you enroll in the Partnership program, you and your care team will assess your needs, abilities, resources, and preferences. Your team will include:
- Nurse Practitioner
- Care Manager
- Registered Nurse
After you have established a plan, your team will help coordinate and authorize the services that meet your needs and help you achieve the outcomes identified in your care plan.
If you are interested in learning how to appoint an authorized representative, click here for more information. (Note: clicking this link will download a PDF to your computer).
What is an “authorized representative”?
An authorized representative is someone you choose to act on your behalf to ask for a coverage decision or submit an appeal. You may name a family member, friend, provider, advocate or anyone else to act for you. It is very important to choose someone that you trust to be your representative.
Quality Assurance and Outcomes
- You, your family and your care team work together to ensure the services you receive are coordinated and delivered.
- You will meet with your care team at a minimum of every six months to review your care plan and ensure the services you are receiving meet your needs and support your outcomes.
- Your team will update your care plan if your condition changes or whenever they determine that the service you are receiving does not meet your needs or support your outcomes.
- If you need the contact information for the care manager on your care team, please contact us at 1 (866) 992-6600.